Saving Time When Shopping: Tips

Like most adults today, I lead a very busy life. I have three kids and they keep me active from sun up to sundown! However, of course, I have to squeeze time into my schedule to shop, and it used to really feel like I spending almost all of my free time shopping for one thing or another. If I wasn't hunting down a favorite new toy for one of my children, I was in the grocery store or drugstore. I recently got some advice from a friend that really helps me cut my shopping time down. She told me that any time I purchased a non-perishable item that I knew I would have to repurchase, buy two instead of one. I then shop for that item half as often! I have since learned other shopping tips and tricks and plan to post them on my new blog!

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out In Your Packaging

6 March 2019
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you own your own brand of clothing, accessories, or home goods, you know just how important it is for you to make a good impression on your customers. One of easiest things to do these days is to sell your goods online and never even open up a brick and mortar store; that way you don't have to worry about paying rent or anything. If you have a website that you sell stuff on, then you need to make sure that your packaging is on point; that way your customers feel excited every time they open their goods. Read More …

Top Benefits Of Installing Carpet On Your Casino Floor

31 December 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you own and operate a casino and are looking to make improvements to it, you might be hoping to install new flooring in the casino area. You might have thought that installing hard flooring, similar to what you might find in retail stores and other commercial establishments, is going to be your best choice. Installing carpet in the casino area might be a better idea, though, for these reasons. Read More …

Three Things to Look for in a Police Helmet

30 October 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you just got accepted into the police academy, then congratulations! Being a police officer is an admirable profession that requires a lot of work and dedication. In order for you to be sure that you're safe while you're on the line of duty, you need to invest in a high-quality police helmet. To ensure that you get the maximum protection from your police helmet, this article will list a few things that you should look for. Read More …

Four Jewels And Gems That Help Heal Trauma

7 September 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you have gone through some traumatic events in your life, you may not know where to turn for relief. Anxiety and post-traumatic stress related to the events may make it hard to live your daily life. It's important that you seek treatment from a licensed therapist, but there is also something else you can do on your own: try out crystal healing jewelry products. The following are four crystals that can help you heal from trauma. Read More …

4 Great Jewelry Styling Tips

19 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to jewelry pieces, it's not enough to simply put them on. You want to wear them the right way. The way you arrange your jewelry doesn't just make it stand out, but it can also protect the pieces at the same time. Here are some helpful style tips you don't want to ignore.  Change Your Earrings Often It's easy to get into the habit of wearing the same pair of earrings day after day but don't. Read More …