Like most adults today, I lead a very busy life. I have three kids and they keep me active from sun up to sundown! However, of course, I have to squeeze time into my schedule to shop, and it used to really feel like I spending almost all of my free time shopping for one thing or another. If I wasn't hunting down a favorite new toy for one of my children, I was in the grocery store or drugstore. I recently got some advice from a friend that really helps me cut my shopping time down. She told me that any time I purchased a non-perishable item that I knew I would have to repurchase, buy two instead of one. I then shop for that item half as often! I have since learned other shopping tips and tricks and plan to post them on my new blog!

4 Tips to Make a Fashion Statement With a Handmade Print Skinny Tie

2 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Many people grew up with parents who wore ties to the office. However, ties aren't just a part of your parent's wardrobe. Ties can be fresh, fashionable, and fun, especially when you choose ties that complement your own sense of style. Handmade ties are unique and one of a kind. They come in colorful prints that can dress up your favorite outfit. For instance, a handmade pineapple print tie can help you bring the vacation vibe of the tropics into your daily life. Read More …

3 Benefits Of Socket Shelf USB Wall Chargers

23 June 2020
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

With so many smart devices, it isn't always easy to find the outlet space to charge everything you have in your bathroom. From toothbrushes and smartwatches to Bluetooth headphones and cell phones, you may struggle to keep things in your home operational if you don't create places to charge things daily. Here are three benefits of socket shelf USB wall chargers, and why you should think about adding one or two to your home. Read More …

Benefits And Uses For A Standing Designer Water Fountain

16 April 2020
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

One of the best things you can do to enhance your home or yard and make it look more elegant is to have a standing designer water fountain. Water fountains add not only beauty but also interest to your home. They are also useful. Just about any home can benefit from a fountain, even apartments. Here are some of the benefits of placing a standing designer water fountain in your home and some tips on how to care for your fountain. Read More …

Four Ideas for Birthday Gifts for Your Wife

12 February 2020
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Choosing a birthday gift for your wife isn't always easy, but you want to make her day special and to give her something that she likes. Much depends on your wife's interests and likes, and a lot depends on your budget, too. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination when looking for birthday gifts for her. 1. A Weekend Getaway A getaway to the wine country might be a romantic idea. Read More …