
Like most adults today, I lead a very busy life. I have three kids and they keep me active from sun up to sundown! However, of course, I have to squeeze time into my schedule to shop, and it used to really feel like I spending almost all of my free time shopping for one thing or another. If I wasn't hunting down a favorite new toy for one of my children, I was in the grocery store or drugstore. I recently got some advice from a friend that really helps me cut my shopping time down. She told me that any time I purchased a non-perishable item that I knew I would have to repurchase, buy two instead of one. I then shop for that item half as often! I have since learned other shopping tips and tricks and plan to post them on my new blog!

Inherited A Coin Collection? Here’s How To Handle It

31 May 2016
 Categories: Shopping, Articles

If you're not a coin collector yourself, it can be hard to know what to do with a coin collection that you have inherited unexpectedly, especially if it's not very organized. However, it's not uncommon for individuals to inherit an estate and find themselves in possession of a pile of coins that they don't know what to do with. If you have found yourself in this position and you're wondering what to do with all of that change, take a look at some tips that can help you sort things out. Read More …